How do I use a surfboard

2021-11-01 20:33 Reading times:

1. Rowing: raise your head, hold your chest out, look ahead, and draw your hands along both sides of the surfboard from the front to the end. Please note that your hands and fingers should be close together. According to your weight and the size of your surfboard, you need to adjust your position on the surfboard with your toes close to the edge of the board. When paddling, pull back along both sides of the board, adjust the breathing rhythm one left and one right, and don't open your arm when paddling, which will greatly reduce the efficiency of paddling. Rowing is the most basic skill of surfing. You should put most of your practice on it. The quality of your rowing will depend on whether you can catch the waves.

2. Get up: when the wave comes, you succeed in rowing. When you feel your surfboard pushing forward and feel the speed accelerating, we start to get up. Find your ribs with the palm of your hand and place it flat on both sides of your ribs to support your body.

3. Take off: when the speed is fast, you can "take off". Force your arms and support your body. Jump onto the surfboard with your feet shoulder width apart and your spine straight. Bend your knees slightly to absorb some bumps, so that you can stand more stable on the surfboard.

4. Steering Go to the tail of the board, and the rear foot is directly above the tail rudder or about half a step in front of the tail rudder; The body is slightly offset backward, and the weight is placed on the back foot; Turn your head to the turning direction of the surfboard, drive your shoulders with your head, and drive your feet with your crotch to control the turning direction of the surfboard. When turning the surfboard in the opposite direction, turn your body in the opposite direction according to the turning action. After turning, return to the center of the surfboard to continue surfing.