Co construction of "one belt, one road" cooperatio

2021-08-26 22:22 Reading times:


  Co construction of "one belt, one road" cooperation has shown full toughness.

 Up to now, one belt, one road cooperation document has been signed by 201 countries and 31 countries and 138 international organizations. First, help stabilize the basic market of foreign trade and foreign investment. Second, new progress has been made in major projects. Third, China Europe trains grew against the trend. Fourth, new breakthroughs were made in the healthy silk road. However, it should also be noted that with the global spread of the epidemic, many sea and air cargo have accelerated the transfer to railway transportation, and the growth of China EU train capacity can not catch up with the increase of demand. On November 17, Meng Wei, spokesman of the national development and Reform Commission, made the above introduction at the regular press conference in November held by the national development and Reform Commission. 

  Novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic has accelerated one belt, one road to the world. The unstable and uncertain factors in the world economic development have increased significantly, bringing new challenges to the construction of "one belt and one road". One belt, one road, is China's economy. At the same time, we must see that thanks to the rapid economic recovery and initiative opening up and the good foundation laid down in the past 7 years, we have signed an international cooperation agreement with China recently.

  Meng said that one belt, one road, and one country will continue to promote the development and prosperity of the two countries. In order to promote the sustained, stable and safe operation of China Europe trains, the national development and Reform Commission is making every effort to improve the transport capacity of China Europe trains in conjunction with relevant departments and local governments. First, strengthen the construction of key ports, expand and transform Manzhouli station, Erlianhot station and Alashankou station, and improve the receiving, dispatching and loading capacity of container trains. Second, promote the upgrading and transformation of the "neck" sections of the west, middle and East channels of China Europe train, actively open up new overseas routes of China Europe train, and promote the diversification of transportation channels. Third, speed up the construction of the China EU train assembly center demonstration project, support the improvement of collection and distribution facilities, improve the efficiency of transportation organization, and strive to achieve "transit assembly" and "arrival and departure".